
Well, you finished. Another school year has come and gone. Some of you have only thought about your summer but haven’t made any plans. Some of you have your summer completely planned from the minute school ended until you start again in September. Either way, summer is finally here.

I have found that the summertime can be a lot of fun because you don’t have much of a schedule and you have the freedom to make your schedule what you want. There is no going to school. There is no homework. You don’t have to be in bed at a certain time. You can sleep-in in the mornings. It’s nice.

I remember when I was a teenager I always looked forward to my summer break from school. I spent many days laying in the sun, going to movies, watching t.v., and hanging out with friends. I also had many days where I would say, “I’m bored. There is nothing to do.” By the end of the summer, I was completely bored and actually looking forward to starting school again. I would also have the feelings of disappointment because I would look back at my summer and I had feelings that I “wasted” it or didn’t challenge myself in any way. Sure, I spent time with friends, I relaxed and had fun with my friends – those are all wonderful things. But I found myself thinking, could I have done something more with my time?

This is where I want to challenge you this summer and the time you have….don’t waste it, invest it! I want to encourage you to not only look at your summer as all about YOU but also what you can be giving more of as you have more time to give and invest. Think of all the things you maybe thought about doing during the school year and maybe found yourself thinking or saying, “I can’t because I don’t have enough time.” What could you do with your time to invest into others or to invest into personal growth?

Maybe when you hang out with friends, you volunteer somewhere together.
Maybe it’s taking the time to volunteer at a camp for an NGO or church.
Maybe it’s taking more time to read books.
Maybe it’s spending more quality time with your family.
Maybe it’s trying to start each day reading your Bible and praying.
Maybe it’s journaling everyday.
Maybe it’s taking the time to develop a skill, hobby or talent you have.
Maybe it’s investing more in your relationship with God.

Whatever it may be…challenge yourself! Have fun AND be intentional on ways you can grow and make the most of your summer!


“May you experience the love of Christ, though it is too great to understand fully. Then you will be made complete with all the fullness of life and power that comes from God. Now all glory to God, who is able, through his mighty power at work within us, to accomplish infinitely more than we might ask or think.” -Ephesians 3:19-20